Growth, Goals and Gratitude in the New Year
Posted: January 3rd, 2020
As a new year blooms and we continue to navigate our path as brand, and as individuals, we wanted to take this opportunity to reflect on our direction for the future. If hindsight is 2020, we’re fortunate to look back on 2019 as a tremendous year of growth and success as a team. A company is only as strong and successful as its members, and we’re fortunate enough to have some of the most vibrant women in the cannabis field. Thank you for welcoming us into your homes and lives this year, our garden gate will always be open.

As a working mom of two kids under 5, my life is a constant game of multi-tasking and playing whack-a-mole with my to-do lists. My intention for 2020 is to bring more (extended) moments of calm into my life, especially those in which I connect deeply with my family and friends.

My Resolution for 2020 is to live more simply. Less focus on the material things and more focus on the simple things in life that actually bring joy and happiness to my everyday.

My resolution for 2020 is to really walk the talk when it comes to my personal mental health. For me, that means exercising regularly, reading more fulfilling books (I just started She Said and have The Education of an Idealist on deck) and finally, better quality sleep. All of these things feed into each other and therefore into my mental wellness, resulting in my being happier, sharper and more present in my everyday life.

My resolution for 2020 is to make time for myself and find joy again in exercise and outdoor adventures!

2020 is repetitive and a double, yet that is not what I want for my new year. For the next year I would like to take a fresh perspective on life, therefore I would like to see the world more through my new (yet old) 35mm cameras and less through my phone.

In 2020, I welcome love, kindness, and prosperity in all aspects of my life. I will strum my guitar, find moments of gratitude, play in nature, indulge in my culture, learn Italian and dance like a butterfly!

One of my main intentions for 2020 is self kindness and awareness. My goal is to not be so hard on myself, make time for my own needs, and take pride in my daily achievements.